Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Ayahs of the Day:
As for those who are atheists, they are helpers of each other. Unless you do this, there will be discord in the land, and much corruption. As for those who believed and went into exile and struggled for the sake of God, and those who gave shelter and assisted, they are the ones who are really believers; there is forgiveness for them, and a generous provision. [8: 73,74]

Hadith of the Day:
Whoever is done a favor should repay it. If suitable payment cannot be found, then the doer can be praised, for by praising the person, you thank that person, whereas by not mentioning the favor, you show ingratitude. [Bukhari]

Wise Quote of the Day:
Keep the company of the scholars; love them, benefit from them, be humble before them; and make your children accustomed to that as well, for the scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets. [Shaykh Bayanuni]

Guidance of the Day:
How do we achieve shared meaning in our relationships? One way is to recognize that conflict often stems from people's idealism. If we can uncover the ideals hidden within another's position in a conflict, we can often find common meaning.

Another way to achieve shared meaning is to talk about our dreams and aspirations, fostering one another's support for these quests. And, finally, we can achieve shared meaning through the use of rituals--that is, regularly engaging in meaningful activities that draw people together emotionally.

Most conflicts don't arise from pathology. They develop because people attach different meaning to the same situations, which gets in the way of their ability to bid and respond to one another's bids for connection. But if they keep talking to one another and describing how they find meaning in their positions, they may reach some common ground, a place where meanings merge and compromise is possible. [The Relationship Cure]

Du'a of the Day:
Allahummahdina li salihil a'maal wal akhlaaq. (O Allah! Guide us to the good works and manners).

Food for Thought:
Pleasure is derived from things which pleases the senses, whereas happiness may arise from unpleasant experiences. Pleasure may be derived from sin, while happiness arises from the struggle to overcome sin.

1 comment:

Ihsan Buxsoo said...

The Signs Of The Acquistion Of Nisbat
With Allah Ta'ala


Nisbat literally means relationship or connection. A nisbat or connection is a two-way process. It has two ends. In our context Nisbat Ma'Allah (Relationship with Allah) means Allah's connection with the bandah (servant) and the bandah's connection with Allah Ta'ala.

The attainment of Nisbat Ma'Allah is also referred to as Husool il'Allah (Attained towards Allah). The relationship of Allah with the bandah is Allah's Pleasure with His servant. The relationship of the bandah with Allah means constancy of the servant in taa'at (obedience) and involvement in abundant Zikr with perfect consciousness.

The sign of the existence of the bandah's relationship with Allah is his restlessness for engagement in obedience and Ibaadat as well as total abhorrence for all forms-- both Zaahir and Baatin-- of sin and disobedience. In addition to this is the bandah's continuous striving to follow the Sunnah.
Ihsan Buxsoo
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