Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Lesson of the day 1404

Ayahs of the Day 
Say O'Allah! Lord of Power, You give power to whom you please, and take it from whom You will. You exalt whom You will and abase whom You will. In Your hand lies all that is good; You have power over all things. You cause the night to pass into the day, and the day to pass into the night. You bring forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living; and you give sustenance to whom You choose, without measure. [3: 26,27]

Hadith of the Day 
Whoever protects the honor of his brother in his absence, Allah will protect his face from the fire on the Day of Judgment. [Tirmidhi]

Wise Quote of the Day 
Know that hearing and sight are two open doors, whatever enters through them reaches the heart. [Ibn Alawi al Haddad]

Guidance of the Day 
The world is divided into two types of people: sa 'id (felicitous) and shaqi (wretched.) There is not a third category.

There are well-known signs of wretchedness. The first is having a hard heart. A person who has sympathy and softness in the heart is said to have a moistened eye. If it is dry and unmoved to tears, this is an indication of a hard heart. The second sign is a lack of modesty. From the first words of prophecy, it was said, "If you have no shame, do what you will."

The third sign is coveting the world. It is said that no one increases his good share in the Hereafter without incurring loss in his worldly affairs. The last sign is having long hopes which can also generate indolence regarding one's obligations. This indolence (kasl) shows itself in lack of energy in working for the Hereafter, which includes performing the obligatory acts of worship. There are people who find reservoirs of energy when it comes to worldly matters, but are overcome with sloth when it comes to matters of the hereafter.[Purification of the heart]

O' Allah help us prepare for the Hereafter to the best of our ability, ameen.

Food for Thought 
A comfortable old age is the reward of a well-spent youth.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Pearls of Wisdom 397

1. We need our mistakes -- we have to experience how error feels to begin to be free from it.

2. We may become wise enough to welcome difficult times because we can trust that they are,
in truth, opportunities for transformation.

3. Death sets a limit on our time in this life and urges us to do what we need to do in the time
we are given.

4. Death is a friendly but invisible companion, reminding us to live our lives and not just exist.

5. Whatever prepares us for death enhances our lives. Awareness of our mortality will facilitate
important shifts in our priorities and values.

6. The best way to fight evil is to make energetic progress in the good.

7. Prayer and meditation are disciplines on our life journey toward our spiritual journey.

8. Take the spiritual side of life seriously.

9. Practice forgiveness. It changes everything, and its rewards are permanent.

10. Sort out and pass along the things from your attic, garage, basement, closets that you
no longer use.

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

In the shade of faith....

Faith is the only shade from the scorching heat of life's calamities.
You will not find shelter outside of faith when the desert sun is at its peak,
bearing  down pushing you into the dusty ground.
You will not find a drink cooler than reliance on Allah when your throat
is dry and your breathing is labored.
You will not find a resting place on this difficult journey safer than the
piece of ground that you pray.

You need belief in Allah more than your lungs need air.
You need hope in His mercy and trust in His wisdom
more than your heart needs to keep beating.
You need His remembrance more than you need your
limbs, your eyesight, or your hearing.

You need to worship Him more than you need to be alive.
What is the purpose of life -- the purpose of air in your
lungs and the blood pumping through your veins -- if the
essence of your soul is already dead.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"He who remembers his Lord and he who does not
remember his Lord are like the living and the dead."

[Temporary Gift by Asmaa Hussein]