Saturday, June 30, 2018

Lesson of the day 1419

Ayah of the Day: 
The acts of those who repudiate their Lord are like ash blown violently by the wind on a stormy day.
They have no control over any thing they have earned, that is the outlandish error. [14: 18]

Hadith of the Day: 
Do not hate or envy one another. Instead, be slaves to Allah and brothers. [Bukhari & Muslim]

Wise Quote of the Day: 
Understanding is what makes relationships. Many a spoken word is more piercing than an attack.
[Ali radi Allah anhu]

Guidance of the Day: 
Stay away from debt in your personal life. Debt, not poverty, is the greatest enemy of financial
well-being and peace of mind. There are massive forces arrayed in the world to tell you of the
great benefits of debt. They will tell you that by borrowing you establish your legitimacy in the
eyes of lenders, and that you can have tomorrow's pleasures at today's prices.

They will present arguments and inducements that are convincing and seductive. They dress
debt in a suit and call it credit. But it all comes down to the same thing: You have mortgaged
your future to pay for your present, and this is something you don't ever want to do. Debt can
make you money because it allows you to invest. Debt can help you in the present and leave
your problems for what you hope will be a better time in the future.

But debt defines your future, and when your future is defined, hope begins to die. You have
committed your life to making money to pay for your past. Stay away from debt if you can.
There is no sadder sight than the person with dreams and promise whose eyes have dulled
and whose days are spent pushing the heavy wheel of debt toward an endless horizon.
[Simple Truths]

Food for Thought: 
Be careful what you wish for. The faculties of humanity were not given in order to gain
worldly life like an animal.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Eid Mubarak....

Seven Truths of Life

1. We shouldn't let someone become a priority in our life, when we are
just an opinion in their life. Relationships work best when they are

2. We should never explain ourself to anyone. Because the person
who likes us doesn't need it, and the person who doesn't like us
won't believe it.

3. When we keep saying we are busy, then we are never free. When
we keep saying we have no time, then we will never have time. When
we keep saying we will do it tomorrow, then our tomorrow will never

4. When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices --
Go back to sleep and dream, or wake up and chase those dreams,
choice is ours.

5. We make them cry who care for us. We cry for those who never
care for us. And we care for those who will never cry for us. This is
the truth of life, it's strange but true. Once we realize this, it's never
too late to change.

6. We shouldn't make promises when we are in joy. We shouldn't
reply when we are sad, and we shouldn't take any decisions when
we are angry. We need to think twice, and act once.

7. Time is like a river. We can't touch the same water twice, because
the flow that has passed will never pass again. We need to value our
time the most.