Friday, August 26, 2016

Pearls of Wisdom 397

1. We need our mistakes -- we have to experience how error feels to begin to be free from it.

2. We may become wise enough to welcome difficult times because we can trust that they are,
in truth, opportunities for transformation.

3. Death sets a limit on our time in this life and urges us to do what we need to do in the time
we are given.

4. Death is a friendly but invisible companion, reminding us to live our lives and not just exist.

5. Whatever prepares us for death enhances our lives. Awareness of our mortality will facilitate
important shifts in our priorities and values.

6. The best way to fight evil is to make energetic progress in the good.

7. Prayer and meditation are disciplines on our life journey toward our spiritual journey.

8. Take the spiritual side of life seriously.

9. Practice forgiveness. It changes everything, and its rewards are permanent.

10. Sort out and pass along the things from your attic, garage, basement, closets that you
no longer use.

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