Friday, February 25, 2011

Pearls of wisdom 297

1. Honor lies in hastening to forgive; dishonor lies in hastening to revenge.

2. The more worldly greed in one's heart, the less certainty in God.

3. The best an evil person can do is to think others are like him.

4. Time wasted in youth must be made up in later years, if what you seek is a solicitous end.

5. Remain silent about the favors done by you, yet proclaim the favors others do for you.

6. Self satisfaction is a sure sign of lacking intellect.

7. The one whom small calamities seem large, will certainly be afflicted by truly large calamities.

8. He whose thoughts are vile and low can have nothing but the worst opinion of others.

9. Thankfulness to the Creator in the form of service to His creation is the ultimate expression of gratitude.

10. The one who acts as if death will come tomorrow feels no sorrow when it finally comes. [Above quotes by Ali radi Allah anhu]

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