Monday, August 16, 2010

Pearls of wisdom 271

1. It is your duty to remember Allah in every circumstance, because this brings all that is good together.

2. You must cling to the lifeline of Allah, because it wards off harm and injury.

3. You must be prepared to meet the events decreed by destiny, because they are bound to happen.

4. Know that you will be held responsible for how you behave in action and at rest.

5. Attend to what is most appropriate at the moment, and beware of redundant physical activities.

6. It is your duty to to obey Allah and His Messenger and those who continue his work.

7. Offer prayers of supplication on every occasion.

8. It is your duty to think well of all the Muslims and to relate to them with good intentions, work hard to secure their general welfare.

9. Do not end your day with bad feeling, rancor or hatred for anyone still in your heart, pray for those who have wronged you.

10. You must eat only lawful food, and ask people versed in knowledge of Allah about things you do not know. [Above quotes by Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani]


moses nawah said...

thankz brother ma name iz moses.
May god bless u n me.

moses nawah said...

may allah forgive us.

moses nawah said...

may allah give us al janat