Monday, August 02, 2010


Ayahs of the Day:
Woe to the cheaters who demand full measure when they receive from the people but short them when they measure or weigh for them. Don't they think they'll be resurrected for a trying day, the day when humankind will stand before the Lord of the universe? [83: 1 to 6]

Hadith of the Day:
Whoever seeks knowledge in order to have recourse to something other than Allah, or for the pleasure of anyone except his Lord, might as well prepare himself for punishment in Hell. [Tirmidhi]

Wise Quote of the Day:
When death comes it does not return empty handed, so occupy every moment in preparedness of it. [Shaqeeq al Balkhi]

Guidance of the Day:
Many of the messages we send our kids stem from what's going on inside us. Are we frustrated and reactive -- or are we calm and responsive? Are we patient and supportive or demanding and aggressive? Are you a great listener, or do you have a tendency to interrupt others or finish their sentences? If so, is it any wonder why our children have difficulty paying attention to and/or listening to our instructions? One of the things we need to work on is our tendency to rush, yet ironically, we get annoyed when our kids are impatient. Again, the behavior in the home is affected by the hidden messages we send our kids.

Take a look at your own hidden messages and signals. In all likelihood, there are many things you are doing well and other areas that may need improvement. Don't worry about it -- welcome to the human race! The most important thing is to be aware of the power of your hidden messages. Once you are, you can catch yourself when you are sending a message that is inconsistent with what you might actually desire. With a little practice in this area, I think you'll agree that asking yourself "What messages am I really sending to my kids?" is an important question indeed. [Carlson, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff -- with your family]

Food for Thought:
The soul that has no established aim loses itself. Choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything. The great and glorious masterpiece of man is how to live with a purpose. Laboring toward distant aims sets the mind in a higher key, and puts us at our best. What counts is not to live, but to live aright.

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