Friday, April 08, 2011

Pearls of wisdom 304

1. It is offensive that there should be seen in the outward appearance of man more humility than what is in his heart.

2. The scholars of the Merciful possess humility and submissiveness, and the scholars of the rulers possess pride and arrogance.

3. Whoever considers his soul to be of any worth has no share of submissiveness.

4. Submit to the Truth; obey it and accept it from whoever says it -- this is submissiveness.

5. God placed all evil in one house and made its key love of the world, He placed all goodness in another house and made its key renunciation.

6. Five of the signs of wretchedness in a man are -- hardness in the heart, severity in the eyes, paucity of shame, desire of this world, and limitless expectations of worldly gain.

7. World's renunciation is a gift from God -- granted to the chosen few.

8. On the Day of Judgment many a rich will suffer imprisonment and the office-holders will have a terrible time, being called to answer for their deeds -- so be prepared to answer for your acts on that Day. [Above quotes by Fudhail bin Iyaadh]

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