Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Ayah of the Day:
Say, "If your fathers and your sons and your brothers and your wives and your relatives and the goods that you acquire and business for which you fear failure and homes you find agreeable are more dear to you than God and the messenger of God and struggle in the cause of God, then wait until God comes with divine order; for God does not guide the dissolute. [9: 24]

Hadith of the Day:
The best of you are those who, when you look at them you remember Allah. [Tirmidhi]

Wise Quote of the Day:
Satan does not bother to misguide the one who runs after the world, for he is already misguided. [Mohammad Waa'se]

Guidance of the Day:
Ask people about their feelings toward their brothers and sisters, and you rarely get a neutral response. Whether we view our siblings as a source of delight or heartbreak, it is clear that sibling bonds are often the most emotionally charged relationships in our lives. The reason is that people typically spend an enormous amount of time with siblings at a very impressionable age. Consequently, these relationships become interpersonal "learning labs"--a place where children first experiment with behaviors and roles they can use later in life.

Because these patterns of interaction are set at an early age, it's sometimes hard to stay present in your relationships with siblings. In adulthood, you find yourself relating to brothers and sisters as you remember them. If you want to connect emotionally, however, you've to be able to see and understand one another as you are today. This often takes an extra measure of effort, attentiveness, and curiosity---a willingness to ask. Expanding your view of your sibling in this way will provide you with a much broader and deeper terrain upon which to connect.

At the same time, to acknowledge your shared history is also important. It's what makes our relationships with our siblings so unique, and talking about the past is certainly one way to connect emotionally. But if you want your relationships with siblings to grow and evolve, try not to focus exclusively on yesterday's issues. Remember also that people with truly satisfying sibling relationships often treat one another as they would their friends. [The Relationship Cure]

Food for Thought:
The roots of happiness grow deepest in the soil of service. He who forgets the language of gratitude can never be on speaking terms with "happiness."

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