Friday, January 23, 2015

Pearls of Wisdom 366

1. Be mindful of God  by obeying Him, and obey God by being mindful of Him.

2. Restrain your hand that it never sheds the blood of a Muslim.

3. Restrain your stomach that it never consumes the wealth of others. [unlawfully].

4. Restrain your tongue that it is never defiled by transgressing against their honor.
[Abu Bakr radi Allah anhu]

5. Be pleased with what God has measured out for you and you will be the wealthiest of people.

6. Avoid what God has forbidden for you and you will be the most impeccable of people.

7. Perform the obligatory acts God, Most High, has imposed upon you and you will be the most devout of people.[Ibn Mas'ud radi Allah anhu]

8.There is no good in people who do not give sincere advice, and there is no good in people who do not love those who offer sincere advice. [Omar radi Allah anhu]

9. Do not talk about things that do not concern you, and leave much of what does concern you.

10. Do not argue with fools or clement people.

11. Only mention your brother in ways that you would love to be mentioned.
[Abdullah ibn Abbas radi Allah anhu]

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