Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Ayahs of the Day:
They said: "Our Lord! We have wronged our own souls; if You do not forgive us and grant us mercy, we will be losers." (Allah) said: "Get down, with enmity between yourselves, on earth will be your dwelling place and your means of lively hood for a time. He (further said): "Therein shall you live, and therein shall you die: and from it you will be brought forth (again)." [7: 23, 24, 25]

Hadith of the Day:
Your smiling at your brother is a charitable act for you. Your ordering good and eradicating evil is a charitable act. Your guiding a man in a land wherein he is lost is a charitable act. Your helping a man with bad eyesight to see is a charitable act. Your removing a stone, thorn or bone from the road is a charitable act. [Tirmidhi]

Wise Quote of the Day:
Wealth I see adds to your longing
for the world as if you are to live forever
Is there a limit that you might reach,
Where you would say, "Enough! I am satisfied!? [A poet]

Guidance of the Day:
Know that God has put much good into supererogatory (nafl) devotions, through His grace, for many imperfections occur in obligatory worship. However, imperfection in an obligatory act can only be redeemed by an act of supererogation of the same kind: prayer by prayer, and fasting by fasting. Obligations are the basis and acts of supererogation are dependent upon them.

The one who performs the obligations, avoids the prohibited things, and does not add anything to this is better than him who performs acts of supererogation but neglects some obligations, Beware therefore, of neglecting any obligations while occupied with acts of supererogation, for you would thereby sin, and by abandoning your obligations your acts of supererogation will become unacceptable to God.

An example of this is the man who occupies himself with acquiring a kind of knowledge which is, for him, supererogatory, and neglects acquiring the kind which is, for him, obligatory, either outwardly or inwardly. Another is the man who is able to but neglects working for a livelihood and busies himself with supererogatory devotions, leaving his children to beg from others. [The Book of Assistance]

Food for Thought:
The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the aged are perpetuated by quotations, We are made wise not by the recollection of our past but by the responsibility of our future. Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time.

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