Sunday, August 31, 2014

Pearls of Wisdom 356

1. Repentance of liars is mere lip service, for the true repentance liberates one from sins. [Rabia Basri]

2. Even after burying your own parents you take no lesson; knowing that death is inevitable, you choose to remain heedless of it. [Ibrahim al Adham]

3. He who desires honor in this world should not make his needs known to anyone in creation, nor should he seek out the faults of any other. [Bishr Al Hafi

4. The wealthiest person is the one who has abundance of taqwa .

5. Satan does not bother to misguide the one who runs after the world for he is already misguided. [Mohammad Waa'se]

6. Those who Allah loves are granted three things -- the overflowing generosity of the river, the illumination of the sun, and the humbleness of the earth. [Bayazeed al Bustami]

7.He who truly fears his Lord has freed his tongue of vain talk. [Fudhail ibn Iyaadh]

8. He whose heart is in the awe of his Lord, everything in creation is in awe of him. [Fudhail ibn Iyaadh]

9. The one who remains fearful of Allah is never touched by the worries of the world. [Sufyan al Thawri]

10. One's wordly abstinence is commensurate with one's longing for the world to come. [Fudhail bin Iyaadh]

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