Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Ayahs of the Day:
So when you read the Recital, take refuge in God from Satan the accursed: For he has no power over those who believe and trust in their Lord. His only power is over those who take to him, and those who are idolaters. [16: 98,99,100]

Hadith of the Day:
Islam is clean, so cleanse yourselves, for only the cleansed shall enter Paradise. [Al-Tabrani]

Wise Quote of the Day:
Erase old sins with new virtues. [Abu Bakr radi Allah anhu]

Guidance of the Day:
Enough for you is your home. The words 'isolation' and 'seclusion' have a special meaning in our religion: to stay away from evil and its perpetrators, and to keep those who are foolish at a distance. When you seclude yourself from evil in this manner, you will have an opportunity to reflect, to think, to graze in the meadows of enlightenment. When you isolate yourself from things that divert you from Allah's obedience, you are giving yourself a dose of medicine, one that doctor's of the heart have found to be a most potent cure. When you seclude yourself from idleness, your brain is stimulated into action. The results are increases in faith, repentance, and remembrance of Allah, the Merciful.

However, some gatherings are not only recommended, but necessary: the congregational prayer, circles of learning, and all gatherings of righteousness. As for gatherings wherein frivolity and shallowness prevail, be wary of them. Take flight from such gatherings, weep over your wrong doing, hold your tongue, and be content within the boundaries of your home. By mixing with others with foolish motives, you endanger the stability and soundness of your mind, for the people you indiscriminately mix with are likely to be experts at wasting time, masters at spreading lies, and skilled in spreading both trouble and mischief.

I advise you to fortify yourself to your purpose. When you apply this advice, you will find that your heart has returned to you. So use your time well and save your life from being wasted. Hold your tongue from backbiting, free your heart from anxiety, and preserve your ears from profanity. [Don't be Sad]

Food for thought:
You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, "I release the need for this in my life."

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