Thursday, March 30, 2006


Ayah of the Day:
And when those who went wrong see the penalty, it will not be lightened for them, and they will be granted no stay. [16: 85]

Hadith of the Day:
The best jihad is to speak a word of justice to an oppressive ruler. [Abu Dawud]

Wise Quote of the Day:
Between you and spiritual counsel is a veil of heedlessness. [Ali radi allah anhu]

Guidance of the Day:
Contemplate and be thankful. Remember the favors of Allah upon you and how they surround you from above and below--indeed, from every direction. Health, safety, nourishment, clothing, air, and water--these all point to the world being yours, yet you do not realize it. You possess all that life has to offer, yet remain ignorant. You have at your disposal two eyes, a tongue, lips, two hands, and two legs.

Can you picture yourself walking without feet? should you take it lightly that you slumber soundly while misery hinders the sleep of many? Should you forget that you fill yourself with both delicious dishes and cool water while the pleasure of good food and drink is impossible for some, due to sickness and disease? Consider the faculties of hearing and seeing with which you have been endowed. Look at your healthy skin and be grateful that you have been saved from diseases that attack it. Reflect on your powers of reasoning and remember those that suffer from mental ailments.

Would you sell your ability to hear and see for the weight of mount uhud in gold, or your ability to speak for huge castles? You have been given abundant favors, yet you feign ignorance. You think about what you do not have and are ungrateful for what you have been given. You are troubled by a loss in wealth, yet you have the key to happiness and many blessings. Contemplate and be thankful. Reflect upon yourself, your family, your friends, and the entire world that is around you. [Don't be Sad by Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni]

Du'a of the Week:
When something pleasing occurs: Al-hamdu li'Llahi bi ni'matihi tatimmu's-saalihaat. (Praise be to Allah, by whose grace all good things are perfected).

Food for Thought:
When you think positive, happy, loving thoughts, there's a different chemistry that goes into your body than when you think depressing, negative, anguished thoughts. The way you decide to think has a dramatic effect on your chemistry and on your physiology.

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