Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Pearls of Wisdom 392

1. By forgiving the person who hurt us, we strengthen our souls.

2. Generosity goes hand in hand with compassion. If we have no compassion we cannot have generosity.

3. All adversity is really an opportunity for our souls to grow; all adversity is really a form of growing pain.

4. A truly wise person will have the wisdom to know what he can do, accept what he can't do, and have the generosity of spirit to extend himself in ways that can make a difference.

5. To hold a grudge against anyone is like carrying the devil on our shoulders.

6. Two things, at minimum, are needed -- an ability to appreciate the positives in our life, and a commitment to action to do good.

7. Peace of mind has nothing to do with the external world; it has only to do with our connection with God.

8. The fact that we are praying and meditating is not as important as how much good we bring back from our prayer and meditation.

9. Often it is the lowest points in life that we learn the most. Those low moments are the magical moments. They are the beginning stages of our journey to our Lord.

10. We came here because the earth is abundant and alive -- a rich, rich field of lessons for us to learn. Let's get educated for our own souls.

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